About Kieron Knight

Hello one and hello all,

I am here typing to you all now, and I’m going to tell you a bit about myself (cause WordPress told me so). So here goes;

I am a 23 year old, gay porn star based in the Arctic conditions of the North of England, ok maybe a slight over-exaggeration. I have been doing porn now for just over 5 years as of August in 2011, so I suppose i’m what you could call an oldie, and even though I am somewhat unheard of, I am trying my best to change this…one day at a time.

In my time as a porn performer I have worked with many different types of studios, including; Cazzo, Triga, Eurocreme, Fantastic Foreskin, Freshwave, Alternadudes, FreshSX and many more. I will make sure a page goes up with my filmography and webpages soon enough.

Outside of porn I am a bit of a geek, I do love my computers, books and music. Not to the extent of sitting for hours online gaming though. I am somewhat of an adrenaline junkie to, always looking for new ways to get that extra thrill. So more often than not, I’ll be planning a trip to a theme park or off to do something dangerous.

Aside from being horny 24/7 i do have a cuddly side, and love nothing more than curling up on the sofa with a guy and watching a film.

Now this is starting to sound like a desperate lonely hearts column entry, so I’ll leave it there.

I shall update as required haha

Kieron K

Look forward to hearing from you